Airport Vehicle Technology Platform
The drive system includes vehicle controller, integrated controller, dual-motor powertrain. The integrated design of the integrated controller meets the requirements of 12-meter bus for power distribution, oil and gas pump motor control, and low-voltage power consumption of the entire vehicle. The dual-motor controller is integrated. The dual motors are matched with a 2-speed planetary gearbox, the motor and the transmission housing are integrated design, and the interface is standardized.

Vehicle Controller
Product Model: HCDN67VCU-41B
Protect Level: IP67
Voltage Plateau : 9-32V
Dimension: 264*208*44 (mm)
Chip : NXP
Pin Count: 121pin
Weight: 1.3kg

Product Model: HC60LKPIC-K21-6T
Functional: MCU + DC + OBC + PDU
Rated Capacity: 110kVA
Peak Capacity: 180kVA
Cooling Model: Hydrocooling
Weight: 28kg
Dimension: 422*355*193 (mm)
Working Voltage : 250-750VDC
Protect Level: IP67
IGBT: 1200V/600A
Intergrated Controller

Product Model: HCA030PDQ-JHC
Rated Power : 30kw
Peak Torque : 11750N.m
Reduction Ratio: 23.5
Bridge Load: 3500kg
Rated Voltage: 310-520VDC
Peak Power: 70KW
Peak Speed: 212rpm
Max. Output Torque: 2533N m
Weight: 400kg
Dimension: 1334*634*417* (mm)
Drive Assembly
1.Matching dual motors and transmissions enables the power system to have a variety of working modes, taking into account the needs of the vehicle's power and economy.
2.The dual-motor electric drive system shifts quickly, smoothly, and without power interruption, which solves the problems of shock and power interruption in the shifting process of traditional transmissions.
3.The drive system has good environmental adaptability and can operate stably and reliably in high temperature and high humidity environments and extremely cold environments.